IT COMPANY Website Design

The Project.


netStructure is a IT company our of greater Philadelphia, PA. Their mission is to work with small private healthcare providers and small businesses to put together an IT plan that works for the business and protects their clients. As an IT firm that is wanting to grow, website design is a critical component in delivering confidence to their potential clients.


The Problem.


When they came to us, netStructure was using a WordPress website that had them positioned as a provider for major corporate entities and barely spoke about their target audience. They had a logo that didn’t represent their business and the caliber of their capabilities. They also didn’t have a clear call to action on the site which made it more difficult for them to use it as a tool and asset to drive leads so their business could grow.

Our Solution.


We were able to build a website that specifically addressed the IT company’s website design and branding issues. We developed a funnel-oriented approach that allowed us to move their two distinct and different audiences into the areas that were specific to their needs quickly. Then we were able to utilize an approach to our design that identified the problem that they face, the ideal solution for that problem and then positioned netStructure as the ideal provider of that solution.

Do you have a similar project you would like to chat about? Drop us a line.

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Helping small businesses and nonprofits build websites and digital marketing strategies that activate growth