The Project.
“Choices for Chase” is a non-profit organization that aims to re-educate teens and adults about the responsibilities of driving. As a new nonprofit with the goal to grow and deliver their message on responsible driving on a statewide and national level, putting forward a qualified and professional appearance that talks about the backbone of their motivation is critical.
The Problem.
Choices for Chase came to us without a website at all. They had previously had a website but it was no longer active. Given that, the need was to build and brand a website from the ground up in a way delivered on the personal and emotional connection that they have with the mission while also maintaining a professional and business-like sentiment in what the goals and objectives are for the organization.
Our Solution.
We were able to build a website that specifically addressed the nonprofit’s goals and objectives by focusing on the message and the intended audience. Because the key function of the site was to be able to book a speaker, we developed a funnel that targeted schools, churches and other nonprofits for that purpose. As a result, Choices for Chase has grown substantially and continues to speak to students all over about the importance of taking the responsibility of driving seriously.
Do you have a similar project you would like to chat about? Drop us a line.